Please fill out the appropriate form completely, and attach all required documentation, before submitting it to the Insurance Services office.
UC SHIP Waiver Appeal form - This form is to be used if your waiver application was denied and you are no longer able to access the online waiver site to make corrections or upload additional documentation.
UC SHIP Waiver Cancellation form - This form is to be used if you have an approved waiver on file for the current academic year, but you wish to cancel it and enroll in UC SHIP.
UC SHIP Cancellation and Refund Request form - This form is to be used if you are no longer a UC Davis student (withdrawn, cancelled registration, dismissed, PELP, Filing Fee), and do not wish to be enrolled in UC SHIP for the current term.
UC SHIP Late Waiver form - If you have missed the waiver deadline, you can submit a waiver application form, and indicate on the form why you missed the deadline. The waiver application must be submitted with all of the required documentation. Approved late waiver forms are subject to a $50 administrative fee.